Dentists have a tough job. It’s not always easy to work in a profession when you know that a good number of your patients are afraid to see you. Fortunately, National Dentist’s Day is coming up, allowing us all to show our dentists a little bit of appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication in the face of so much trepidation from their patients. Here’s how to show your appreciation for your dentist on dentists day.
Follow Your Dentist’s Advice
Even if you brush your teeth directly before a dental appointment, your dentist knows fairly well whether or not you have been following dental advice and protocol: brush twice a day and floss once per day. It’s the same advice they give every time you come in. Yet their patience for the ones who constantly fail to follow this advice is unwavering, and for that alone, they should be given a round of applause. As much as they would appreciate the recognition however, they would appreciate it even more if you just started doing what they said, since your health and best interests are what lie at the heart of all their advice.
Make an Appointment
When was the last time you had a dental appointment? Seeing your dentist twice a year is as important for keeping your teeth healthy as brushing and flossing. So if you’re due for an appointment, going in on March 6 for your six month check-up, and to give your dentist your best wishes for their hard work in person would put a big smile on your dentist’s face. If you can’t go in on March 6, call to make an appointment that day and ask the person you are speaking with to wish the office a Happy National Dentists Day. The gesture will be very much appreciated.
Thank Your Dentist
Dentists are key players in our ongoing efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and they deserve a thank you now and then for what they do. If you want to celebrate National Dentist’s Day with more than just a phone call, a thank you note addressed to the office or a gift basket that your dentist can share with their staff will go unappreciated.
Show your appreciation for the dentist in your life and schedule an appointment with C&C Dentistry today.